
2025 will be either revolutionary innovative or mercilessly irrelevant.

Sacha Moser, founder of Foundry Zurich/Berlin/New York, in a selfie from the Sennheiser Mirrorbox in Sydney.

HORIZONT, the leading platform for marketing, advertising, and media insights, asked top industry decision-makers about their expectations for 2025.

What key trends will shape the future, how will the advertising market evolve? What will it bring? Among the experts consulted was our founder, Sacha Moser.

You can explore the insightful interview led by Mia Bavandi on

Or you read it here.

What economic expectations do you personally have for the new year?

Sacha Moser: I am not a prophet, but my only expectation is fulfilled every year: change. I am grateful for that, because we always benefit from it. 2025 will also be characterised by changes. As branding and communication experts who build innovative brands and create successful content, we are constantly in demand.
Last year, we were able to implement the launch campaign for in Germany and support some of the fastest growing companies in their transformation. This year, the new possibilities of AI in almost every industry open up disruption and innovation. Legacy brands will (have to) reinvent themselves, while startups take advantage of the opportunities. The biggest challenge in this abundance of opportunities remains the focus. We are looking forward to the positive changes that will bring the economy and us to grow again.

Which trends will determine the coming year and which will disappear?

Sacha Moser: I received the very best investment tips from my three children. So when we look for trends, we listen to the next generation. We see three major trends in which we are investing in a targeted manner at Foundry.

We are a team of creative AI specialists. In 2023, I visited a Masters Segment in AI at Hyper Island in Singapore. What I took with me is that AI is central in all areas and develops daily. AI therefore remains Megatrend No. 1. People in Germany spend almost three hours a day on social networks – a huge playground, but also a place of countermovements. The “Brain Rot” stunt of the YouTuber Vexbolts shows how targeted attention can be directed. We have invested in the Megatrend No. 2 early on: with, the matching platform for brands, influencers and agencies. Brain rot takes me to the 3. Megatrend. While the digital world continues to dominate, touching, physical experiences are making an impressive comeback. An example is the Sennheiser Mirrorbox as an immersive audio experience. It shows how conscious listening has a positive influence on our well-being. The Mirrorbox combines advanced technologies such as AIpowered biometric analysis, 3D soundscapes and a light artwork to create a personalized and soothing experience. The result: a strong contrast to the digital stimulus overload, which creates an emotional connection to the brand on a more sustainable level and made Sennheiser the best-selling audio brand on Amazon Australia.

Which trend will disappear?

Sacha Moser: Our industry has always been characterised by young employees. My concern is about the next generation. Not that this one is missing. On the contrary, we receive two to three applications daily from top-educated people, more than ever before. I would like to hire someone every week, but the majority of the junior positions are now occupied by AI. Without practical experience, it becomes more difficult to enter the industry. New approaches are needed here.

Please make a prediction: How will the advertising market develop in 2025?

Sacha Moser: Either revolutionary innovative or mercilessly irrelevant. 2025 lies in our courageous and creative minds and prompting hands. Let’s be honest, the efficiency pressure and expectations are increasing. It’s about delivering faster, differentiating sharper and move people more genuinely. Short-term results are becoming more important, but without trust and a strong identity, there is no sustainable future. It is important to create performance now and relevant differentiation for tomorrow.

This may sound paradoxical, but with AI this future becomes more relaxed. Everyone suddenly has a team of diligent, intelligent all-rounder assistants.
This is a great opportunity for positive developments, but it raises an exciting question: What do we do with all the time gained? Hopefully that won’t lead to more leisure time stress.